Welcome back to the Competing for Christ Podcast!


In the summer of 2021, I set out to start a podcast. I had no experience in podcasting, no guests lined up, and no clue what I was doing. But, I told my girlfriend at the time (now wife) and best friend that I was thinking about starting a podcast. They looked at me like I was crazy. I'm sure they thought, "Yeah, okay Ken. You have no idea what you're doing!" They were right! I had no idea what I was doing, but throughout that beginning period, I felt God tugging on my heart to start something for Christian athletes to go to as a resource. Something that could help athletes navigate through the struggles, trials, and questions that arise throughout their athletic experience. 

As I started the podcasting journey, I didn't have any clue what I was doing. I had *maybe* four guests in mind that I wanted to interview and a few topics that I thought could be good to talk about, but it was something that was really on my heart. Countless YouTube crash courses, podcasting blogs and articles, and reading books on Christian athletics was where I started. I ordered a podcast equipment 'bundle' on Amazon that included a mic, headphones, a couple of cables, and a mic stand. In my college dorm, I started talking about topics that I had struggled with as an athlete with people that I respected in athletics that I knew where Christians. But again, I had no clue what I was doing.

Throughout each week, I prayed to God to put people into my life that I could interview, for topics/issues that I could talk about, and tips from people on what I need to know about podcasting (I'm still learning SO much about podcasting to this day). But as each week went by, God put people into my life through college, social media, email, and connections, and simply asked if they would come on. In the beginning, I was terrified (I still am) when I hopped on a Zoom call to interview my guests. If you really know me, I'm one of the most socially awkward people when it comes down to it. But I pressed record, the red light came on, and God took it from there. The questions I asked, the comments I made, and the prayers I prayed were and still are for Him.

I didn't start the podcast for recognition, for fame, or for thousands of downloads. I started it to give Jesus recognition for the things he had done in my life through sports. I started it to bring Jesus the fame and to maybe even see people come to know Him because of something that was said on an episode. Even when I forgot to press record before filming an ENTIRE episode one time (yes, that really happened. Sorry Cassee Wood!), Jesus was always on my mind.

Sports have always been a huge part of my life. It was everything I thought about and what I lived for! But I didn't have my priorities right throughout most of my career. Instead of Jesus being at the forefront of my mind and instead of living for Him, I craved success, scholarships, and fame in a sports world that leaves you feeling dissatisfied, unworthy, and hurt. I realized after so many years of craving sports, they could NEVER leave me fulfilled. They could never bring me the true joy I feel with Jesus. 

So many athletes struggle with this fact throughout their career. They struggle with wanting more and more in athletics, when they should be wanting more and more of Christ. That's why I started the podcast. It's for the athlete that doesn't know why their career ended early because of an injury. It's for the athlete that struggles with getting out of bed every morning because of the massive amounts of anxiety, depression, and sadness they feel every single day. It's for the athlete that wants to be a Christian influence on their teams, but doesn't know where to begin. 

I was that athlete. I want to use this podcast not only to spread awareness of all the issues, problems, and topics that come up in sports, but to most importantly spread the Gospel and the good news that Christ provides. No matter what you're going through, no matter what you've done, Christ loves you and He is going to fight for you NO MATTER WHAT.

This quote completely summarizes what this podcast is about: "God does not call the qualified, he qualifies the called." I may have no clue what I'm doing, but God does. I had no experience in podcasting, interviewing, researching, or networking, but God didn't care. He can use anyone for His purpose. 

So that's what this podcast is about. It's not a perfect podcast, the people featured in each episode are sinners like everyone in this world, and I am a flawed, broken, crazy person. But my only hope through this podcast is for you, the listener, to know Jesus. To know that even (ESPECIALLY) in sports, Jesus is with you. 

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

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